Nexar Blog


How to choose a dash cam

What do you want to use your dash cam for? Depending on your needs and the type of driver you are, you might be interested in different features and models. Top features to consider include: number of cameras, storage capabilities, video resolution, GPS capabilities and parking mode capabilities.


Dash Cam Price Guide: How Much Is a Dash Cam?

Modern dash cams are candid, clever car accessories that are becoming increasingly indispensable for drivers. They “tell the whole truth and nothing but” to anyone with access to their footage, including drivers, insurance companies, law enforcement, and business owners. At a minimum, they record the road in front of you, illustrating the unbiased truth about what is happening or what has happened on the road. The video evidence that they provide offers protection from hiked-up insurance premium


Choosing the Best Dash Cams for Trucks & Truckers

Truckers spend most of their time on the road. They drive slower, heavier, and with more responsibility than 4-wheelers. They drive for hours on end and in all kinds of weather. They stop to refresh and leave their cargo unattended. Accordingly, they are vulnerable in ways that other drivers are not, and therefore require a particular kind of protection. Many individual drivers choose to protect themselves from being blamed for an accident or from theft by buying a dash cam that records the road


How Do Dash Cams Work in 2023

If you’re a driver, you’re probably familiar with those instances where someone makes a mistake and won’t take responsibility. When you have a dash cam, the he-said, she-said disappears as everything is captured and you always have the proof you need. Someone hits your parked car and drives away?